About Me

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I am just a mom: a mom of three kids and one of them is hearing impaired. We are a busy family and I am a very busy mom. I want my hearing impaired daughter, Brooke, to have every advantage so I try to incorporate as many lessons and strategies into our every day life. Most of the teaching I do with Brooke is incorporated into our daily routines and parent-directed play. This blog will include some of our formal lessons but mostly it will be learning to listen in the everyday.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Listening Game

a. to identify common household sounds

Points to Remeber:

1. Can your child close her eyes and identify sounds around the house--a door shutting, footsteps, water running, silverware being put away? Make sure she can before moving on to other phonemic games.


1. There are different Listening Games. We have Listening Lotto: Sounds at Home

2. The game comes with a CD of 29 common household sounds.

3. Choose a lotto card and start the CD. Each sound is played 2-3 times. When your child identifies the sound, have her place a marker on the picture.

4. Each lotto card is different so there are opportunities to hear and identify quite a lot of sounds.

5. We play until the card is full.


1. Make sure you are pointing out sounds to your child and helping her to identify them in everyday life. For example, when you hear a siren approaching, point out the sound and ash if she hears it. Then ask her what she thinks the sound might be.

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely going to check this game out!

    Thanks for all of you great posts and info!

