About Me

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I am just a mom: a mom of three kids and one of them is hearing impaired. We are a busy family and I am a very busy mom. I want my hearing impaired daughter, Brooke, to have every advantage so I try to incorporate as many lessons and strategies into our every day life. Most of the teaching I do with Brooke is incorporated into our daily routines and parent-directed play. This blog will include some of our formal lessons but mostly it will be learning to listen in the everyday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


As a mom of a child with a disability, I need to be aware of Brooke's self-confidence. I want her to be able to stand up for herself, self-advocate, and not think of her hearing loss as a weakness.

I need to be careful of how I talk with my 3 children. Making statements such as "Brooke can't hear because it is too noisy in here" or "Say it loud enough for Brooke to hear" are just constant reminders that hearing is hard for Brooke. It is better to make listening a family issue instead of a Brooke-issue. Saying things like "It is hard to hear someone from far away, please move closer" or "It's hard to listen when it is this noisy" or "Everyone should be looking at the person speaking" put the focus on the issue of listening instead of on Brooke's disbability.

I need to remind myself of this often and think before I speak!

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