About Me

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I am just a mom: a mom of three kids and one of them is hearing impaired. We are a busy family and I am a very busy mom. I want my hearing impaired daughter, Brooke, to have every advantage so I try to incorporate as many lessons and strategies into our every day life. Most of the teaching I do with Brooke is incorporated into our daily routines and parent-directed play. This blog will include some of our formal lessons but mostly it will be learning to listen in the everyday.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lessons in Learning

Sillybandz have become the new craze in Elementary schools. I'm not sure how, but Kate new about Sillybandz and on a trip to pick a friend's birthday present, Kate asked to buy a package. After the toy store, we went out for lunch. The Sillybandz became a great educational tool as we waited for our food.

First we created a graph of the animals. We discussed "most" and "least" as we counted the animals. Then we sorted them by color and practice using "most" and "least" and color words. There were "big" bunnies and "small" bunnies. We talked about what each animal eats. We talked about how the animals move...rabbits hop, sheep walk, dogs run and walk, etc. Brooke was certain that cows hop - we talked about how cows stand and walk and run - she insisted that cows hop; then I remembered there was one cow that did jump over the moon so I agreed that at least one cow did hop! The SillyBandz were a great conversational tool that provided Brooke with some great vocabulary.

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