About Me

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I am just a mom: a mom of three kids and one of them is hearing impaired. We are a busy family and I am a very busy mom. I want my hearing impaired daughter, Brooke, to have every advantage so I try to incorporate as many lessons and strategies into our every day life. Most of the teaching I do with Brooke is incorporated into our daily routines and parent-directed play. This blog will include some of our formal lessons but mostly it will be learning to listen in the everyday.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Last Week's Lessons

Language Experience
We did some sorting and classifying last week. This idea can from A Mommy's Adventure. This activity was a great Language Experience. It gave us a lot to talk about as we sorted the pictures into two categories. Brooke named the object and the category and we talked about colors, homes, food, size and other topics. I think we will do more of these activities in the coming weeks as it really got Brooke talking and hearing a variety of vocabulary words.

Another great language experience was building, planting and hanging up a bird feeder. Brooke made the bird feeder at the Lowes Build and Grow class with her dad. They painted them at home, Brooke choose a tree to hang it, and then filled it with bird food. This was another great experience to allow her to hear a variety of vocabulary.

There were some great activities from the blog, Home Grown Hearts

Colors and Shapes
Brooke completed the shape puzzles as she matched the shapes to the correct umbrella. An opportunity to talk about colors and shapes.

Brooke counted umbrellas and marked the correct answer with a magnetic pompom. She practiced counting and colors while enjoying the magnets.

More counting as we counted the dots on the raindrops and placed them on the correctly numbered umbrella

Language Experience
We invited a couple friends and painted our own umbrellas. Listening to the four girls talk to each other was a fantastic language opportunity for Brooke. We used colors, stamps, and paint bottles on our umbrellas.

and of course....something princess related. We made princess crowns from a craft kit the girls got for their birthdays. It was a great time to talk about shapes, colors, and following directions as well as the polite way to ask for help.

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