a. to ask the question, "Do you have a _______?" correctly
b. to recall the vocabulary for common words
Points to remember:
1. You can make your own cards like we did or use store-bought cards
2. The words can all be a certain sound you are focusing on or a certain theme
1. Look through the cards and help your child recall the names of the objects
2. Give her 3 cards, give yourself 3 cards and put the remaining cards face down in the middle
3. Have your child ask you for a card. Make her correctly say, "Mommy, do you have a dog?"
4. Give her a dog if you have it or say, "Go Fish"
5. Continue to take turns requiring your child to say, "Mommy, do you have a ____?" and "Go Fish" at the appropriate times.
1. We had many tears over winning the game....for our family, it is best for me to play with just Brooke so I can teach her game etiquette too.
2. These cards can be used for a game of Memory as well.
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